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Name: Dahlia Malaeulu Role: Publisher Company: Mila's Books My first job in publishing was: Unexpectedly being asked to be a cultural editor and advisor but in terms of Pasifika publishing,…

Name: Tonia Shuttleworth Role: Director Company: Koa Press My first job in publishing was: As an art director at a contract publishing house in London almost 20 years ago! I started…

Name: Sarah Rennie Role: Marketing Manager Company: Gecko Press My first job in publishing was: Almost 20 years ago and an eclectic mix of sales, rights and editorial roles. Including trekking across…

Name: Chavon Bringans Role: Publishing and Sales Assistant Company: Upstart Press My first job in publishing was: This one! Being the publishing and sales assistant for Upstart Press means that…

Name: Hope Lenzen Role: Publishing Assistant Company: Bateman Books My first job in publishing was: This one! I am the Publishing Assistant for Bateman Books and I do almost everything…

Name:Ella Fischer Role: Publishing Partnerships Specialist Company:Auckland Council Libraries / Ngā Pātaka Kōrero o Tāmaki Makaurau My first job in publishing was: Actually, it’s this one! My background is in…

Name: Faith Wilson Role: Founder / Pacific Arts Legacy Intern Company: Saufo`i Press / Penguin Random House New Zealand My first job in publishing was: One I created! I started…

Name: Lesley Stead Role: Company Director of Stead & Daughters Ltd My first job in publishing: A number of years ago we tried our hand at publishing. My job at that…

Name: Kate Stephenson Role: Senior Publisher Company: Hachette Aotearoa New Zealand My first job in publishing was: Assistant to the Publisher & Associate Publisher at HarperFiction, HarperCollins UK…

Name: Sue Wootton Role:Publisher Company: Otago University Press My first job in publishing was: This job! Although I have been involved as a freelancer and a writer for many years.…

Name: Tony Murdoch from Cadsonbury Publications (a wholly owned subsidiary of Smith's Bookshop) Publications: Cadsonbury is a minor player in the publishing world. It specialises in publishing out-of-print NZ books and…