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Te Herenga Waka University Press

By Directory, S - Z

Te Herenga Waka University Press is a major scholarly publisher specialising in New Zealand history and public affairs. The Press is also a leading publisher of fiction and poetry. Founded in the 1970s, Victoria University Press now has a backlist of over 200 books in print, and on average issues twenty five new titles each year.

Postal Address: PO Box 600, Wellington 6012, New Zealand
Street Address: 6 Kelburn Parade, Kelburn, Wellington 6012, New Zealand


Phone: +64 4 463 6580

Fergus Barrowman, Publisher


Penguin Random House New Zealand

By Directory, M - R

A division of Pearson, Penguin Group (NZ) produces about 80–100 new books a year under the Penguin, Viking, Raupo and Puffin imprints. These cover a very wide subject range, from literary fiction, history and biography to lifestyle, cookery and children’s books.

Street Address: Ground Floor, Air New Zealand Building, Smales Farm, 74 Taharoto Road, Takapuna, Auckland 0622

Postal Address: Private Bag 10 2902, North Shore Mail Centre, Auckland 0745

Phone: +64 (0)9 442 7400





Otago University Press

By Directory, M - R

Otago University Press

New Zealand’s oldest academic publisher, Otago University Press publishes a wide range of non-fiction books on New Zealand and the Pacific, giving special emphasis to history, natural history, Māori and Pacific, biography/memoir, poetry, literature and the arts. Otago University Press also publishes Landfall, New Zealand’s longest-running and leading journal of new art and writing. Otago publishes about 20 new titles a year and has a vibrant backlist of about 150 titles.

Street Address: 533 Castle Street, North Dunedin
Postal Address: Otago University Press, PO Box 56, Dunedin 9054
Tel 64 3 479 4194
Sue Wootton, Publisher


HarperCollins Publishers (NZ) Ltd

By Directory, G - L

A division of a multinational book publisher and distributor, HarperCollins Publishers (NZ) Ltd also generates its own exciting and successful New Zealand publishing programme. In addition to handling HarperCollins’ internationally published titles, this large, well-established company represents a number of other local and overseas publishers.

Unit D, 63 Apollo Drive, Rosedale 0632, Auckland
Postal Address: PO Box 1, Auckland 1140
Tel 09 443 9400 Fax 09 443 9403

Sandra Noakes, Marketing Communications Manager


Exisle Publishing

By A - F, Directory

Exisle Publishing is an independent publisher of non-fiction, covering a broad range of subject areas including self-help, health, lifestyle, sports, equestrian, maritime, biography, history, business and children’s books. Exisle publishes from offices in Australia and New Zealand and sells co-editions and translations around the world.

EK Books – Books with Heart on Issues that Matter

Five years ago, EK Books set out on a mission to publish children’s books on themes that other publishers fear to touch.

Our books are crafted by authors and illustrators whose backgrounds include teaching and psychology. These creators have a knack for unpacking complex issues, making them engaging and memorable for even our youngest readers.

Of course, while our books often focus on heavy issues, we aren’t afraid to tackle lighter subjects as well. And even the darkest themes contain a message of hope and optimism.

It’s no surprise that our gorgeous books with their great characters and glorious illustrations have seen EK go from strength to strength. We have been recognized by the Children’s Book Council of Australia, were recently nominated for Publisher of the Year at the Bologna Book Fair, and have received coverage in international media including The Guardian. Available in all English speaking countries and in translation across Europe and Asia, EK Books provides hope, heart and entertainment for children worldwide.

For more info and to download teacher notes go to:

Postal address: 226 High Street, Dunedin 9016

Phone: +64 3 477 1615

CEO and Founder of Exisle Publishing, Gareth St John Thomas

General & Production Manager
Gareth St John Thomas

Publisher EK Books
Anouska Jones

Gareth St John Thomas

David Bateman Ltd

By A - F, Directory

Bateman Books

An independent, family-owned company, Bateman Books (David Bateman Ltd) is one of the largest indigenous trade book publishers in New Zealand. The company publishes a wide range of general trade books for the domestic market, issuing 20–30 new titles a year and keeping around 300 titles in print. In addition, Bateman Books has originated several hundred international co-editions for publishers in the US, the UK, Canada, South Africa, South America, Japan, India, Europe and Australia. The company also distributes titles for a number of leading publishers in the US, the UK, Australia and other independent local New Zealand publishers, and buys co-editions and rights for the New Zealand market.

David Bateman Ltd
Unit 2/5 Workspace Drive
Hobsonville, Auckland 0618
PO Box 100-242
North Shore, Auckland 0745

Bryce Gibson, General Manager

General Enquiries:


Potton & Burton

By Directory, M - R

Potton & Burton is one of New Zealand’s largest independent publishers. The company specialises in quality non-fiction, with an emphasis on high standards of production and a particular interest in photography, natural history, outdoor recreation, reference, biography, New Zealand art and culture, and social and environmental issues. In addition, Potton & Burton is a major publisher of New Zealand calendars.

The Schoolhouse, 319 Hardy Street, Nelson, New Zealand
PO Box 221, Nelson 7040, New Zealand
+64 3 548 9009



Awa Press

By A - F, Directory

Awa Press is an independent, award-winning, New Zealand-owned company that specialises in contemporary non-fiction by New Zealand and overseas authors. Its interests include topical current affairs, biography and memoir, popular science, sport, essays, science and its Ginger Series, in which writers explain their personal passions. The company welcomes relevant non-fiction book proposals, and requires a content outline and one sample chapter. Enquire first by email. It is also active in seeking foreign rights sales.

Level Three, 27 Dixon Street, Te Aro, Wellington 6011
Postal Address: PO Box 11 416, Wellington 6142
Tel +64 (0)27 434 1471

Mary Varnham, Publishing Director; Sarah Bennett, Associate Publisher

Penguin Group (NZ)

Auckland University Press

By A - F, Directory

AUP logo

Auckland University Press

Auckland University Press publishes creative and scholarly work of interest to a general readership. The Press produces about twenty titles a year, with a focus on New Zealand history, Māori and Pacific studies, art, poetry, popular science and business.

1–11 Short Street (Anzac Avenue entrance), Auckland 1010
Postal Address: University of Auckland, Private Bag 92 019, Auckland Mail Centre, Auckland 1142
Tel 09 373 7528 Fax 09 373 7465

Sam Elworthy, Director

Archetype Book Agents
17 Cascade Ave
Auckland 0604

64 9 814 9455
fax 64 9 814 9453

Neil Brown
09 814 9453 0274 984 670

Upstart Press
Level 6, 19-21 Como Street
Auckland 0622
New Zealand

Phone: +64 9 280 3199
Fax: +64 9 281 3090

