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Auckland Writers’ and Readers Festival

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Auckland Writers’ and Readers Festival

Every year the Festival stages over 200 public events, gathering over 220 of the world’s best writers and thinkers to celebrate the world of books and ideas. The Festival brings the very best of local and international writers of contemporary fiction and non-fiction, scientists, economists, poets, journalists and thinkers together with audiences to explore ideas, share stories and experience brilliant conversations. Promoting literacy and a positive public profile for New Zealand writers.



Wellington Writers Studio

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Wellington Writers Studio


The Wellington Writers Studio is a unique shared working environment for writers. The studio provides a creative hub for the Wellington writing community and is the first of its kind in New Zealand.

Inspired by the various iterations across Brooklyn and Manhattan, we aim to provide an affordable sanctuary where writers can switch off, escape from the chaos of home and work, and focus on the art of writing – whatever type of writing that may be.


Māori Literature Trust | Te Waka Taki Kōrero

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Māori Literature Trust | Te Waka Taki Kōrero

In 2000, we established this charitable trust to deliver programmes that promote and foster Māori literature and its place in the literature of the nation. Guided by our own cultural values, we seek to grow Māori writers’ skills, confidence and opportunity. We encourage Māori writers to stand tall as Māori and to support each other and become a strong force within the literary community of Aotearoa New Zealand.

Eise Adams – Operations Manager

PO Box 12280, Thorndon, Wellington 

Indie Expets Publishing & Author Services

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Curating content worth sharing, From Pages to Stages™   

We offer  Specialist author services through the Before, During, and After stages of the publishing journey for ficion and non-fiction authors.  This includes ghost writing, collaborative development, professional coaching, pre/post publishing marketing, media, and creative services.




Ryn Richmond Writes

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A Wellington-based author, editor, and publicist whose written work appears in several anthologies, two online magazines, and an online journal. As an editor and publicist, Ryn Richmond Writes has worked on academic articles, newsletters, and books.

For contact details visit


Mary Egan Publishing

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Mary Egan Publishing covers all things publishing and does a mixture of independent publishing, joint-publishing ventures and commercial publishing.

We are proud to be a family-owned business with over 40 years experience in the NZ publishing industry.

Our range is diverse: from fiction and memoir, biography, history and health, to cooking and other beautiful illustrated books. What strikes us as worthy of our time and attention is a book that moves or inspires us, a book that speaks to us or intrigues us.

Telephone 0 93609118

Sophia Egan-Reid

Quentin Wilson Publishing

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Quentin Wilson Publishing is a Christchurch-based independent publishing house. Its publisher, Quentin Wilson, brings with him more than three decades of experience in all aspects of book publishing. Quentin Wilson Publishing publishes between 6 and 8 titles a year, both commissioning and considering manuscripts in the categories of literary fiction, historical fiction, genre fiction (including crime, thriller, sci-fi, and fantasy), young adult fiction, creative non-fiction, and general non-fiction (including biography, history, gardening, hunting and fishing, and politics).

Quentin Wilson Publishing also provides professional production services for small publishers or for those wishing to self-publish. Such services include manuscript assessment, book editing and proof-reading, book design and page layout, local and international printing, sales and distribution, media publicity, and social marketing. Any combination or feature of the services above is offered to small or larger publishers seeking to utilise them, especially, for example, when dealing with international printers.

105 Moncks Spur Road, Redcliffs, Christchurch 8081
Telephone: 027 505 8383

Quentin Wilson, Publisher:


Nationwide Book Distributors Ltd

Whitireia Publishing

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The publishing programme at Whitireia is New Zealand’s most prestigious and wide-ranging publishing course. Estab­lished in 1993, the programme covers all aspects of the business of publishing and has strong links with the industry. Through Whitireia Publishing, students are mentored while undertaking publishing work for a range of organisations, including the Publishers Association of New Zealand, commercial publishers and community groups.

65 Dixon St, Te Aro, Wellington 6011
DX Box: SX33459, 3 Wi Neera Drive, Porirua 5022
Tel 04 8305589

Odessa Owens, Senior Tutor