Members of PANZ
At Flying Start Books we believe literacy is the key to success in life, so we’re passionate about giving children a flying start by launching them into literacy. This core belief is at the heart of our Red Rocket Readers Series.
Developed by New Zealand reading specialist and author Pam Holden, this exciting, award-winning reading program offers more than 600 illustrated fiction and photographic non-fiction titles at graded levels, perfect for Guided Reading, Reading Recovery, ESL, ELL and other Special Needs applications.
First published in 2003, Red Rocket Readers are available in United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Ireland, China, Singapore, Hong Kong, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand. We also offer an innovative sales channel as a wholesale distributor for other New Zealand publishers, seeking entry to the he highly competitive US K-12 market.
13/45 Karepiro Drive, Auckland, 0932
Phone +64 9 428-0294
Sarah Ensor