Members Directory

Members of PANZ

Mākaro Press’ focus is on publishing NZ fiction, poetry and children’s books, but we also have some non-fiction titles including memoir, biography and journalism. Our books are marketed to booksellers by Greene Phoenix Marketing and distributed by PDL.

We have three imprints:
Mākaro titles are fully supported by our press in the traditional way and are spearheaded by our Mākaro Fiction titles. There are also some children’s and non-fiction titles.

HOOPLA is a poetry series fully supported by our press, releasing a set of three books every April: one by a late career poet, one by a mid-career poet, and the third by a first-timer.

The Submarine imprint is for our books published with the author contributing towards the costs. Usually this pays for the first print run, but can involve contributions to the editorial or design work depending on the project. Our Submarine books are selected for publication and designed, edited, published and marketed to the same high standards as our Mākaro titles, with Mākaro Press making the final decisions. They are a way for a small press to produce more excellent books. Submarine Poetry spearheads this group.

Mary McCallum & Paul Stewart

Phone: 04 471 0822 | mob: 027 600 3313 (Mary)

Level 6, 138 Wakefield Street, Te Aro, Wellington 6011
Mail: P O Box 9321, Te Aro, Wellington 6141
