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Hope Lenzen, Bateman Books

By July 5, 2022No Comments

Name: Hope Lenzen
Publishing Assistant
Bateman Books

My first job in publishing was: This one! I am the Publishing Assistant for Bateman Books and I do almost everything you can think of. I oversee our submissions inbox, apply for various book and publishing awards, send out advance and review copies to authors/illustrators, create and maintain NTI’s, create sales kits, honestly the list goes on! I’m still new and settling in, so I assume more jobs will be handed to me as time progresses and I find my feet. I couldn’t be more excited!

I’m currently reading: Mostly submissions… but when I get a quiet moment at home, I am currently re-reading Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. 

The thing that has surprised me most since I started my job is: Not surprising per say but eye opening. You never stop learning in the publishing industry! I knew I would have much more to learn after my time on the Whitireia Publishing Course and the team here at Bateman Books have been so generous with their knowledge.

The thing I like best about working in publishing is: Being completely surrounded by all thing’s books. There are so many moving parts in the publishing world, and I get to watch, if not be a part of, all of them. I’ve only been at Bateman Books for a short time, but I’ve already had the chance to spend some time in the warehouse and be involved in production and allocation meetings.