Members Directory

Members of PANZ

Accessible Format Production

Accessible Format Production transcribes print material into alternative formats, such as audio, braille, electronic text and large print, for the use of blind, deafblind and vision-impaired people. The Ministry of Education funds the production of educational publications, while charitable donors fund the publication of recreational and general information. Accessible Format Production transcribes over 1000 titles each year. It also advises on packaging and signage, print legibility, large-print standards and the accessibility of websites and e-books.

Royal New Zealand Foundation of the Blind, Awhina House, 4 Maunsell Road, Parnell, Auckland 1052
Postal Address: Private Bag 99 941, Newmarket, Auckland 1149
Tel 09 355 6962 Fax 09 355 6960

Geraldine Lewis

Lyviana Lee