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Educational Publishers Directory


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Huia is an independent publisher with a focus on supporting Māori and Pacific writers, describing the diversity of Māori experiences and perspectives, and promoting the Māori language. Huia publishes fiction and non-fiction for adults and children, as well as educational resources in the Māori language.


At Flying Start Books we believe literacy is the key to success in life, so we’re passionate about giving children a flying
start by launching them into literacy. This core belief is at the heart of our Red Rocket Readers Series.

Developed by New Zealand reading specialist and author Pam Holden, this exciting, award-winning reading program
offers more than 600 illustrated fiction and photographic non-fiction titles at graded levels, perfect for Guided Reading,
Reading Recovery, ESL, ELL and other Special Needs applications.

First published in 2003, Red Rocket Readers are available in United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Ireland, China,
Singapore, Hong Kong, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand. We also offer an innovative sales channel as a
wholesale distributor for other New Zealand publishers, seeking entry to the he highly competitive US K-12 market.

ECE Teacher training   ECE Emotional resilience/literacy   ECE English   ECE Literacy   ECE Health/PE   ECE Gifted and talented   ECE Maori language & culture   ECE Numeracy   ECE Recreation   ECE Special needs   ECE Values/Behaviour   Primary Teacher training   Primary Emotional resilience/literacy   Primary English   Primary ESOL   Primary Literacy   Primary Health/PE   Primary Gifted and talented   Primary History   Primary ICT/Technology   Primary Maori language & culture   Primary Numeracy   Primary Science   Primary Values/Behaviour   Secondary Careers   Secondary Teacher training   Secondary Emotional resilience/literacy   Secondary English   Secondary ESOL   Secondary Health/PE   Secondary Gifted and talented   Secondary History   Secondary ICT/Technology   Secondary Maori language & culture   Secondary Numeracy   Secondary Science   Secondary Social studies   Secondary Values/Behaviour   Tertiary Careers   Tertiary Teacher training   Tertiary Emotional resilience/literacy   Tertiary English   Tertiary ESOL   Tertiary Literacy   Tertiary Health/PE   Tertiary Gifted and talented   Tertiary History   Tertiary ICT/Technology   Tertiary Maori language & culture   Tertiary Numeracy   Tertiary Science   Tertiary Social studies   Tertiary Values/Behaviour   Adult Careers   Adult Emotional resilience/literacy   Adult Teacher training   Adult English   Adult ESOL   Adult Literacy   Adult Health/PE   Adult Gifted and talented   Adult History   Adult ICT/Technology   Adult Maori language & culture   Adult Numeracy   Adult Science   Adult Social studies   Adult Values/Behaviour   ECE ESOL   ECE History   ECE ICT   ECE Science   ECE Social studies   ECE The Arts   Primary Social studies

We design, develop and distribute effective resources that are engaging, relevant, and culturally appropriate for varied audiences. Using our knowledge of best practice teaching and learning, we also evaluate existing learning resources and provide support to improve them.

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Rainbow Reading (and the US version: New Heights) is a program comprising audio-supported “hi-lo”, leveled books with audio-support provided on pre-recorded “magic” reading pens. The system is research-proven to significantly lift reading competence and confidence in beginning readers, including students learning English. miniRAINBOWS is a series for very young children to read and enjoy supported by the magic audiopen.


Toitoi Media Limited publishes Toitoi: A Journal for Young Writers and Artists. Toitoi is a quarterly journal of writing and art by New Zealand children ages 5-13. We also provide Teacher Support Materials for every issue of the journal.



The New Zealand Council for Educational Research (NZCER) is New Zealand’s only national, independent educational research organisation. NZCER Press is the organisation’s publishing arm, publishing research-based assessment tools, journals, books and classroom resources, written by external authors and in-house researchers. Their publications are designed to meet the needs they identify across the education sector through their research work.


ESA Publications is the leader in study guides and learning workbooks for elementary and secondary schools. With over 180 publications all major subjects are covered – from accounting to science, technology, math and social studies. While calibrated to NZ NCEA levels, high quality content is available for licensing in both digital and print forms. Visit our website to view our extensive list.

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At Essential Resources it is our unequivocal aim to make teachers’ working lives easier by producing innovative, high-quality publications that are designed for today’s learning environment. Our practical resources support teachers to teach effectively and in a way that challenges students to develop critical thinking skills and strong problem-solving strategies to equip them for a today’s fast-paced, changing world.


The Wendy Pye Group is an educational publisher that specialises in literacy learning and English Language Learning delivered on tablets. We work in many countries around the world. Our philosopy has been to teach the world to read: to connect the world with digital and print resources using subscription websites, apps and books that mirror the digital reading packs.

Showing 11 - 20 of 22 results