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Lift Education

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Lift Education

Lift Education is a Wellington-based educational publishing company. We publish resources to address literacy needs around the world. Our CSI Literacy resources are aimed at a global audience, particularly the US, the UK, Singapore, Australia and New Zealand. We also develop resources for corporate and non-corporate organisations, overseas publishers, and government departments, including the New Zealand Ministry of Education.

Postal Address:PO Box 11309, Manners Street, Wellington 6142
Tel 04 384 3947

Alex Collins, Managing Director

Lift Education
fax 0800 FAX CSI
tel 0800 READERS

Oratia Media

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Oratia Media

Oratia Media is an independent publisher based in Auckland’s Waitakere Ranges, with distribution across New Zealand as well as in Australia, North America, Asia and Europe. Established in 2000 as a media and publishing services provider, Oratia launched its own list in 2009. Oratia Books now publishes around ten new titles a year, with a focus on children’s, Māori, history and general non-fiction books. We continue to offer publishing, writing and marketing services internationally.

783 West Coast Road, Oratia, Auckland 0604
Tel 09 814 8993

Peter Dowling, Publisher

Publishers Distribution Ltd
tel 09 828 2999 fax 09 828 2399

Nielsen BookData

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Nielsen BookData provides a range of services to the book industry, aiding the discovery, purchase and sales measurement of books.

Nielsen BookData collects all information on books published around the world into a central database. Librarians, booksellers and publishers are given access to this database on a subscription basis to aid the discovery of titles or to populate their website. It includes New Zealand titles, as well as local details such as New Zealand dollar prices and local distributors for overseas-published titles. Nielsen BookScan monitors sales from chain bookshops, internet booksellers, discount outlets and independent bookshops in New Zealand, and collects actual sales at the point of sale. Nielsen BookScan aggregates the data and provides the book trade with reports, either by direct access to BookScan-Online or through charts.

Level 3, Nielsen Building, 129 Hurstmere Road, Takapuna, Auckland 0622
Private Bag 93500, Takapuna, Auckland 0740
Tel +64 9 970 4188

Nevena Nikolic, Territory Manager, NZ


Exisle Publishing

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Exisle Publishing is an independent publisher of non-fiction, covering a broad range of subject areas including self-help, health, lifestyle, sports, equestrian, maritime, biography, history, business and children’s books. Exisle publishes from offices in Australia and New Zealand and sells co-editions and translations around the world.

EK Books – Books with Heart on Issues that Matter

Five years ago, EK Books set out on a mission to publish children’s books on themes that other publishers fear to touch.

Our books are crafted by authors and illustrators whose backgrounds include teaching and psychology. These creators have a knack for unpacking complex issues, making them engaging and memorable for even our youngest readers.

Of course, while our books often focus on heavy issues, we aren’t afraid to tackle lighter subjects as well. And even the darkest themes contain a message of hope and optimism.

It’s no surprise that our gorgeous books with their great characters and glorious illustrations have seen EK go from strength to strength. We have been recognized by the Children’s Book Council of Australia, were recently nominated for Publisher of the Year at the Bologna Book Fair, and have received coverage in international media including The Guardian. Available in all English speaking countries and in translation across Europe and Asia, EK Books provides hope, heart and entertainment for children worldwide.

For more info and to download teacher notes go to:

Postal address: 226 High Street, Dunedin 9016

Phone: +64 3 477 1615

CEO and Founder of Exisle Publishing, Gareth St John Thomas

General & Production Manager
Gareth St John Thomas

Publisher EK Books
Anouska Jones

Gareth St John Thomas

Blind Low Vision NZ / Accessible Format Production

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Accessible Format Production

Accessible Format Production transcribes print material into alternative formats, such as audio, braille, electronic text and large print, for the use of blind, deafblind and vision-impaired people. The Ministry of Education funds the production of educational publications, while charitable donors fund the publication of recreational and general information. Accessible Format Production transcribes over 1000 titles each year. It also advises on packaging and signage, print legibility, large-print standards and the accessibility of websites and e-books.

Royal New Zealand Foundation of the Blind, Awhina House, 4 Maunsell Road, Parnell, Auckland 1052
Postal Address: Private Bag 99 941, Newmarket, Auckland 1149
Tel 09 355 6962 Fax 09 355 6960

Geraldine Lewis

Lyviana Lee