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Craig Gamble, VUP and the communication portfolio for PANZ

By A - F, Featured Members

Name: Craig Gamble
Role: Publishing Manager
Company: Victoria University Press

My role on the PANZ council is: My portfolio at PANZ covers member communications, and in that role I’d like to increase the frequency of PANZ communication with its members and also raise our profile across social media platforms.

My first job in publishing was: I was employed as a ‘management cadet’ for Whitcoulls.

I’m currently reading: Frankissstein by Jeanette Winterson. A romping reimagination of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein

My biggest career highlight in publishing has been: Two so far. Selling in the third Harry Potter book with my friends at Archetype Book Agents, and Eleanor Catton winning the Booker Prize with Victoria University Press.

Tom Rennie, Bridget Williams Books and PANZ Copyright Portfolio

By A - F, Featured Members

Name: Tom Rennie
Role: Publisher
Company: Bridget Williams Books (BWB)

My role on the PANZ council is: I lead the work on the copyright portfolio and, of course, securing a good outcome from the Review of the Copyright Act is PANZ’s top priority. It’s very much a team effort (Sam Elworthy at AUP continues to contribute a huge amount) and we still have a long road ahead.

My first job in publishing was: I was actually an intern at BWB! Bridget provided me with a wonderfully generous introduction to New Zealand publishing (as she has done for many in the industry today), including arranging work experience stints for me with Robbie Burton and Allen & Unwin in Sydney. I’ve been absolutely hooked ever since.

I’m currently reading: I’ve finally got around to reading Capitalism without Capital: The Rise of the Intangible Economy by Jonathan Haskel & Stian Westlake. It’s a dry yet intriguing analysis of how intangible assets – including, of course, intellectual property – have been under-appreciated in how we assess economies around the world. Importantly, this includes the value we place on copyright (and, essentially, ‘knowledge’). I know it’s been an influential book with some New Zealand policymakers, so I’m partly reading it in the hope it will be of use for the Review work…

My biggest career highlight in publishing has been: As publisher for the BWB Texts series, seeing lots of young New Zealand non-fiction authors write these little books has definitely been a highlight. I’m now working with a growing number of them on full-format ‘big’ books, which is exciting for the future of our publishing at BWB.

EduMaxi Limited

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Edumaxi Limited

EduMaxi is a New Zealand owned independent publisher as well as an education consultancy that specializes in the planning and development of innovative learning and development solutions.

Since 2007, our innovative team of authors, editorial staff, illustrators, graphic artists, animators, and project managers have worked together to develop numerous digital and print based learning resources for clients across the education sector and for a number of world renowned educational providers. We have also worked with organisations around the world to create innovative digital solutions that meet the unique professional development training needs of their teams.

Our multi-award winning Te Reo Singalong series ( currently has 25 titles available as well as an online school subscription model ( and all books in interactive digital format.

We also provide supplementary curriculum and teacher support materials to teachers in NZ and internationally through User Friendly Resources (  Most resources are blackline masters and come with a photocopiable license.

Madelize Bekker

Address: PO Box 1060, Waikato Mail Centre, Hamilton, 3240

Phone: +64 21 2234 873

Archetype Book Agents Ltd

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Archetype is a freelance book sales and marketing agency which has been operating in New Zealand since 1992. We specialise in representing New Zealand and overseas publishers to the retail book trade. We were awarded the Thorpe Bowker Best Agent/Distributor Representing Overseas Publishers Award for 2004 and 2009.

The people who work for Archetype Book Agents have wide and extensive book trade knowledge with over 100 years of collective industry experience. We take much pride in our ability to achieve great sales for our publisher clients and we enjoy a terrific reputation with our bookshop customers as trustworthy and knowledgeable reps.

We represent the following publishers: Allen & Unwin, Murdoch Books, Victoria University Press, Auckland University Press, Massey University Press, Otago University Press, Te Papa Press, Huia, One Tree House, Dreamboat Books, Luncheon Sausage Books, Lift Education and Magpie Pulp.

17 Cascade Ave
Ph: 64 9 814 9455
Fax: 64 9 814 9453
Mob: 0274 984 670

Neil Brown
Ph: 64 9 814 9455
Fax: 64 9 814 9453
Mob: 0274 984 670

Frances Plumpton Literary Agency

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Frances Plumpton brings her extensive experience as a children’s librarian to her agency which represents New Zealand children’s and young adult authors and illustrators.

And now, a touch of Australia, Frances is representing international rights for Ford Street Publishing, Australia.

PO Box 15061, New Lynn, Auckland, 0640
Phone 09 8276785

Frances Plumpton

Edify Ltd – a sales team that ‘fuels learning’

By A - F, Featured Members

edify-ltdWhen Adrian Keane successfully negotiated a contract with Pearson Australia to become the sales agent for Pearson lists in New Zealand some eleven months ago, he faced two immediate challenges. One was staff and premises, the other ‘what do we call our new company’.

The first need was the easiest to meet. Adrian and his wife Ingeborg had identified spacious, sunny office premises in Auckland suburb Northcote, literally down the street from their home. Staff did not present any problems either, with key team members available including ‘molto experienced’ tertiary rep Max Loveridge.

Adrian KeaneFinding the name for the new business was much harder. Words were proposed, dictionaries consulted and Edify was the choice. Adrian (pictured right) says that all dictionaries include a ‘helps you learn’ interpretation of the word, as in the use ‘edifying experience’. Younger people thought the ‘fy’ ending related to technology, an analogy that appealed and the all important web domain name was available. Now the word is part of company lore… as in “Have you Edified that document yet?”

Edify Ltd is the sales team for Sunshine Books in New Zealand as well as being the sales agents for Pearson. There’s a quiet hum in the large main office, with workstations around the perimeter. So far, so normal, but the patch of green in the centre of the room isn’t pot plants, it is a pool table. Friday night drinks always means pool challenges – of the 17 Edify personnel, only one does not play! Pictured below at the pool table Irene Agar, company accountant (left) and (right)  marketing executive Holly Robinson.“Educational publishing is in an incredibly transforming and disruptive era,” Adrian believes. “It is like a learning engine in which print is only one of the parts. Everything is on the internet; the student can access many new sources of information without going near the traditional print based sources of learning.

“The traditional text industry will have to continue to make radical change to stay relevant in an environment where books can be sourced from around the globe.

“We are losing business and university bookshops are losing business – we’re all having to reassess what our position in the value chain really is, and whether our customers share our view of how much value we’re actually providing.”

Edify office pic_small

Irene Agar, company accountant (left) and (right) marketing executive Holly Robinson.

Edify supplies books to all three education levels beginning with primary, which Adrian rates the toughest market. “Primary schools are all individual economic units who make their own decisions about content and learning materials. Buying can sometimes appear to be ad hoc. When our reps arrive for appointments at schools they are often told

“You should have been here last week – we spent our budget then.”

“There is an incredible amount of digital and print resources for primary schools, but they’re expensive to provide, yields are lower and schools are reluctant to pay for digital despite it representing extreme value compared to print. At the same time, publishers need to monetise their digital investment if they are to continue to innovate.”

The scenario is better at secondary level, but it is tertiary texts and material which remain the most remunerative area, says Adrian. Edify also represents Pearson’s computer list in this country.Edify Ltd manages the sales and marketing of Pearson products locally, but uses United Book Distributors based in Australia to manage the physical distribution.

A unique aspect of Edify, particularly in the primary school market, is that the sales team are on salary rather than commission: “I think people on salary do the best job, as they tend to focus on selling what the customer needs, even being prepared to walk away from an opportunity if the product is not really aligned with the customer’s goals. With commission sales people, they push the products that will give them a sale ‘now’ and this doesn’t always equate to the best interest of a customer.”

Currently Edify has no publishing wing, but that is an ambition for the future, Adrian admits. “We’re negotiating with Pearson to take over the New Zealand lists, particularly in secondary and tertiary. We’re excited about the opportunity to put a fresh lens on what is arguably the broadest and most successful domestic educational publishing list ever produced,” he says. “Watch this space!”

Flying Start Books

By A - F, Directory

At Flying Start Books we believe literacy is the key to success in life, so we’re passionate about giving children a flying start by launching them into literacy. This core belief is at the heart of our Red Rocket Readers Series.

Developed by New Zealand reading specialist and author Pam Holden, this exciting, award-winning reading program offers more than 600 illustrated fiction and photographic non-fiction titles at graded levels, perfect for Guided Reading, Reading Recovery, ESL, ELL and other Special Needs applications.

First published in 2003, Red Rocket Readers are available in United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Ireland, China, Singapore, Hong Kong, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand. We also offer an innovative sales channel as a wholesale distributor for other New Zealand publishers, seeking entry to the he highly competitive US K-12 market.

13/45 Karepiro Drive, Auckland, 0932
Phone +64 9 428-0294

Sarah Ensor

Edify Ltd

By A - F, Directory

Edify Ltd

Distributor of books and educational resources.

Edify can provide outstanding print and digital content and solutions to support outstanding outcomes for learners. We are active at every level of the curriculum from Early Childhood education through to Post-Graduate.

We are a New Zealand owned and operated company representing Pearson,  a global powerhouse of innovation and excellence in educational services and solutions.

We look forward to helping you create outstanding opportunities for your learners to excel.

39 Woodside Avenue, Northcote, 0627
Phone 09 972 9428

Adrian Keane