At a meeting in Paris on Wednesday, the Jury of World Book Capital, which includes IPA (publishers), IBF (booksellers), IFLA (librarians), and UNESCO, appointed Ljubljana (Slovenia) as World Book Capital 2010 for the quality of its application, as well as for its diverse and complete programme, widely and enthusiastically supported by all players involved in the book industry.
The call for nominations for World Book Capital 2011 will be circulated later this year. Due a rotation system put in place 2 years ago, cities from Europe and North America will be excluded from the next call for nominations (given Ljubljana’s appointment for 2010). Cities from this part of the world will be able to apply in two years time for World Book Capital 2012.
BPANZ understands that Wellington put forward a very impressive bid for the event and the event had full support of the mayor and council so the result is disappointing. Let’s hope there’s a bid from NZ for 2011.