Name: Tania Mackenzie-Cooke
Role: Publicity Manager
Company: Hachette NZ
My first job in publishing was… This one! After 20 years of being a journalist and radio producer I jumped ship to Hachette two years ago and have never looked back!
I’m currently reading… A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness. Neon/Sky have just started broadcasting the TV adaptation. A Discovery of Witches is the first book in the trilogy – and for my first foray in to Witches, Daemons and Vampires I am definitely getting the gist of what all the fuss is about. I’ve also just finished Michael Caine’s Blowing the Bloody Doors Off – I have been a huge fan of Michael’s my whole life, the book is as charming, warm and funny as he is.
My biggest career highlight in publishing has been… There have been two – the first is when my personally signed copy of Michael Caine’s bio arrived for me. I’ll be honest and say I had tears in my eyes. The second is a shout out really – moving from journalism to publishing was a huge change for me, and it has been the highlight of my working life to discover that working in publishing is as magic, life affirming and inspiring as I’d hoped.