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Taipei in pictures

By February 14, 2015No Comments
The public queuing too get into the exhibition centre on day 1. Some had queued overnight.

The public queuing to get into the exhibition centre on day 1. Some had queued overnight.

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The crowd gathers to watch the Ngā Kete Tuko Iho performances every morning and evening.

Words in Pictures photo

Words in Pictures session with (l-r) Sarah Wilkins, Mark Sommerset, Jenny Bornholt, Gavin Bishop and moderator Candy Yen.

Publishers display stands surround the performance space.

Publishers’ display stands surround the performance space

Visiting author Mark Sommerset infront of his Taiwanese publisher Hsin-Yi’s display.

Visiting author Mark Sommerset infront of his Taiwanese publisher Hsin-Yi’s display.

Rowan Sommerset's work on display at the Brave New World Children's Illustration Exhibition which also features other New Zealand illustrators, Robyn Belton, Gavin Bishop, Donovan Bixley, Andrew Burdan and Sarah Wilkins.

The Brave New World Children’s Illustration Exhibition which features illustrators from around the world and includes work from New Zealand illustrators, Robyn Belton, Gavin Bishop, Donovan Bixley, Andrew Burdan, Rowan Sommerset (work pictured) and Sarah Wilkins.