The demand for ebooks continues to grow across all markets and for many New Zealand publishers it presents new opportunities for taking their publications out to a global readership. But connecting with these new readers is largely dependent on discoverability. Maintaining effective metadata is the most critical way to ensure this.
Over the course of three hours, workshop convenor Gavin King will analyse approaches to metadata workflows, and more importantly, guide participants through best practices for the creation and management of optimum title metadata.
Gavin King is the Chief Technologist of Sydney-based Grobeltech. Gavin has worked in the IT industry for 15 years and in the publishing industry for 5 years. During this time he has learnt the operation of the publishing business inside and out, and he has used this in-depth knowledge and experience of the industry to develop innovative, up-to-the-minute technology solutions for publishers. These solutions range from file and system management to establishing digital workflows and introducing ebook publishing programs. He is an expert in managing content and providing data analysis from accounting, distribution and publishing systems to uncover real business intelligence.
PANZ is delighted that Gavin is able to travel to NZ to present this workshop and we encourage members to register now. We have kept costs to a minimum and are able to offer a special members rate of $150 plus GST. Registration form is attached and please complete and send to Carolin: