CLNZ can assist publishers with the completion of ‘take down’ procedures if you find your content illegally uploaded on the internet. Takedowns are possible from cloud-hosting services such as Mega, Dropbox, Google Drive, iCloud etc. Some websites also offer relatively simple takedown services, however there are many illegal services like torrent sites that do not have the facility to action takedown notices.
- online somewhere and
- you have not provided permission for it to be uploaded and
- the website offers a takedown facility
a) Evidence that you are the copyright owner the content and did not authorise the particular use/ distribution of the work that you want us to have removed (a statement to this effect in an email is all we need from New Zealand rights holders)
b) The full title of the work, it’s ISBN number (or other identifier), author/s name and date of publication
c) The URL (full link) of where the content is located online
d) The full name of the copyright owner
e) Contact details for the copyright owner