The number of publisher applications for the Intern Programme 2011 demonstrates the overall success of the programme and also made it harder to decide who would be chosen. We are delighted that the programme is attracting such a high calibre of positions available to the Whitireia Publishing Programme graduates.
We thank all applicants and the selection panel too. PANZ works closely with Rachel Lawson, the Publishing Programme Leader at Whitireia to match the successful publishers and graduates to ensure the internship is productive and happy for both parties.
PANZ is delighted to announce the following placements for the internships next year:
Canterbury University Press – Frith Hughes
HarperCollins Publishers – Anna Bowbyes
New Holland Publishers – Olivia Park
We congratulate you all and thank Creative NZ once again for the funding of this programme.
The Publishing Intern Programme offers a marvellous opportunity for publishers to engage talented and qualified publishing graduates and support the long-term development of the publishing industry in New Zealand.
The Whitireia class of 2010 will be graduating in two weeks so when considering your staff requirements for 2011 remember that there are eager, talented and qualified graduates available for full/part time, contract or temporary positions. Contact Rachel Lawson to discuss further Ph: 04 237 3103 x 3975