We’re packing up the stand today. Time, of course, goes so fast. I arrived in Frankfurt a week ago and today the fair ends with the public surging in to the foreign halles but not so many in to ours.
Friday was a relatively quiet day on the stand for foot traffic but our exhibitors have been very pleased with the outcomes of the meetings held and contacts made. At least three deals have been signed off at the fair from our stand and there are many pending.About 150 guests came to our stand party on Friday from 5 -7pm. Halle 8 was still buzzing yesterday about the wonderful Hunters Sauvingnon Blanc and came back to the stand yesterday to say so too. This year we had representatives from many countries as well as the Buchmesse team.
And the publicity continues from the Canadian, Australian, NZ summit. The issue was taken up in the Guardian UK newspaper under the headline Commonwealth nations to fight UK and US publishers’ dominance. Expect to hear a lot more from this initiative and we are jointly planning the next steps to maintaining closer ties.
Final report from Frankfurt – more photos at a later date.
— Anne De Lautour, Executive Director, BPANZ