Name: Andy Long
Role: Marketing and Sales Manager
Company: Auckland University Press
My first job in publishing was… I got the digital marketing assistant role at Random House New Zealand in 2011.
I’m currently (re)reading… The Infinite Game by Niki Harré as I and the author have a sneaky plan to work with this text – very ‘hush hush’ you understand.
My biggest career highlight has been… Taking a lead role in updating the websites of each publisher I’ve worked for (AUP’s new one is imminent). Note: This is not to say I ‘made’ these sites (I can’t code to save myself) but rather as a lead communicator/project manager between the site developer and the publisher ensuring the product is made as well as possible. But the site itself is not what makes them, after all it’s just a website, one of millions and so fleeting that the sites I’m referring to are all gone and replaced now. What makes them a highlight is the massive team effort it takes to get them live. These sites allowed me to work with directly with everyone in the publishing ladder, from the customer service team, to the MD, to the publisher, to our partners overseas and everyone in-between. It is these relationships and friendships that I formed as a result of getting a website live that are priceless to me.