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2018 Creative New Zealand Publishing Internships Announced

By December 4, 2017No Comments

L-R: Samantha Chorley, Sucheta Raj & Olivia Nikkel

Congratulations to the successful recipients of the 2018 Creative New Zealand Internships Initiative. PANZ is delighted to announce that in 2018 Samantha Chorley will intern with Victoria University Press; Olivia Nikkel  with Bridget Williams Books and Sucheta Raj with Allen & Unwin.

Helen Heath, Programme Leader, Publishing at Whitireia New Zealand, says “It was a very difficult decision as there were so many strong applications but we are very pleased with these selections and think they not only meet the job requirements well but will suit the ethos of each placement. Whitireia publishing graduates have a reputation for excellence for good reason. If these young people are the future of New Zealand publishing then we can all rest assured we are in good hands”

The Creative New Zealand National Publishing Internships Initiative, administered by PANZ, provides internship opportunities each year for three new graduates of the Whitireia New Zealand publishing course to enter the industry. The programme has produced some impressive results in past years with many publishers choosing to offer the interns full-time positions at the end of the programme, and a number of former interns now hold senior positions in publishing companies.

”Allen & Unwin New Zealand is delighted to be welcoming a Whitireia intern into the team for the next six months. It’s a brilliant opportunity to introduce new insight and thinking from someone new to our industry, as well as tackle many projects that in an otherwise busy team, would likely stay on the back-burner.” Says Allen & Unwin New Zealand Director Melanie Laville-Moore.

For more details on the Creative New Zealand National Publishing Internships
Initiative click here.